White Racial Identity Work

Welcome to your journey! Whether you have been exploring your racial identity for years or this is your first time, you’ll find opportunities on this page for individual and group work. There are so many reasons to embark on this work.

Has someone of color that you love experienced something that’s made you want to better understand race?
Are you frustrated by the focus on differences, rather than our shared humanity?
Have you been moved by recent social unrest and want to be a better ally?
Are you confused by what you are seeing in the world and don’t understand why we still need to talk about race?

Part of what we’ll do together is to explore your why. I encourage you to click here to read more about how and why I’ve come to this work.

White Affinity Circle Groups

What is Circle Work?

Circles have been used around the globe for centuries in indigenous communities to bring people together to talk about harms committed and ways to heal from those harms.

Why circle work specifically? 

I use circles with white-identifying individuals to help people explore their white identities and the history and existence of white supremacy, not just at the individual level, but institutionally as well. Circles create a space for people to process and reshape their white narrative.  There is intentionality in engaging white folx in a space inherently designed and created by people who are not white.

What can I expect from a White Affinity Circle?

This discussion series will be a six week opportunity to process your whiteness and your understanding of your racial identity with other white people. If you are white or are frequently identified as white in society and thereby experience the benefits of whiteness, and you want to learn more about yourself so that you can become a more engaged and effective accomplice in anti-racism work, this series is for you!

What is expected of me as a participant?

Please note that this work will be difficult and emotional. As a group we will get to know one another quite intimately and so it is of utmost importance that you attend regularly, engage, and maintain total confidentiality, so we can collectively ensure a safe space for participation. Please only sign up if you can commit to all six sessions.

How and when do circles run?

All sessions will take place via Zoom. I will send out the link and the password to participants the weekend prior to our first meeting. Due to the deep nature of this work, I will be capping attendance at 10 people, including keepers. For those who show interest beyond the first ten people to commit, please check the website for additional offerings.

What do I get for the fee I pay?

When you register for a White Affinity Circle you get:

  1. 2 hours per week for six weeks of group interaction with other white folx committed to exploring white racial identity and self-reflection. The support within each group cannot be overestimated, as so many people have shared the power of releasing long held feelings around others who have similar lived experiences and emotions.
  2. Materials each week that form the basis of our group discussions
  3. Summary emails after each session.
  4. One private session with your keeper during or within six-months following the series to further process your own experiences
  5. Certificate of participation
  6. Access to bi-monthly drop in sessions for all circle series alums to discuss forward progress, challenges, and opportunities.

What if I want to do the work, but I cannot afford the fee?

The most important part of this work to me is that we are doing it. If you are unable to pay the full fee or need a payment plan, please do not hesistate to reach out to me. I’m happy to work on a sliding scale or payment plan rate for those who are committed to doing the work.

Current Circle Offerings

April 2, 2024 – May 7, 2024
Tuesdays 6-8pm EST
Circle Keeper Suzen

October 1, 2024 – November 5, 2024
Tuesdays 6-8pm EST
Circle Keeper Suzen

Do you offer group opportunities for organizations or places of business?

Absolutely! Opportunities for organizations and companies to schedule in-house circles are available. Please contact me here to start the conversation!

Self-Guided Resources

Coming soon!

A self-guided workbook that will include narrative, activities and resources for you to begin to explore your white racial identity on your own. This is a great option for individuals who cannot currently commit to the affinity circles or who are looking for a smaller step to take on their own before engaging in group work.

Individuals can commit to the workbook on its own and there will also be add on options for feedback from me as you work through the modules or one on one consulting sessions to discuss material as you feel it’s needed.

Click here to provide your information so that you can hear about these options first when released!