
I find that I’ve drawn my knowledge from so many amazing voices and I’m often asked for suggestions about what to read or watch to advance the work.  To that end, I’ve created a starter list for folx that want to learn more on their own.  This list is FAR from exhaustive.  If you have resources you’d like to see appear on this page, please reach out to me so that I can add them in. Many thanks to all of my former circle participants who have added suggestions and resources along the way!

For Beginners

If you are just beginning on your path of discovering racial injustice and white identity, these are resources that may help to guide your initial understanding.

For the Journey

This compilation of books, videos, and podcasts represents resources that touch on the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, and culture among other things.  I imagine this list will be updated regularly as I discover new resources.